Timothy är annars glad. Han har börjat sova mer och mer i sin egen säng vilket betyder mer utrymme för mig som i sin tur betyder mer sömn. Glad mamma! Ja, dvs när hon inte är arg på idioter och korkskallar!
It feels like I have a lot of emotions bottled up that needs to get out, and I mean to get it out in a real freakin' explosion. But since I'm not the violent type it feels wrong to go down to a pub and start a fight, so instead, I just let the explosion happen at my last dance class today.
I took out all of my frustration, irritation and God knows what else by kicking high, pas de bourre-ing fast and dancing like it was the last time. I dripped of sweat and felt happier and drained afterwards; it was like pushing a reset button!
The effect is now almost gone, sorry to say, so I have to find a tool to outlet. Maybe kick-boxing?!
Timothy is very happy though. He has started to sleep in his bed more which means more space for me, consequently more sleep. A happy mother! Well, when she's not angry with idiots and other boneheads!

Inte i mammas säng
Not in mommy's bed
Ok, dags att Viber'a snart igen känner jsg. Är lite på samma ställe, var så arg igår att jag hade svårt att somna...