Not often, but sometimes Timothy wins first price! I let go this morning and let him mess a little. He fed himself his porridge without my help... for a while. I had to help him a little.

sådan mor sådan son
Like mother like son

varför krångla till det med sked
why make it harder than it is

sådär ja!
there we go!

...eller inte
...maybe not

rån med leverpastej är mums
a lot of Swedish words I can't translate... Rån with leverpastej is väry MUMS! ... very yummy indeed

men dricka kan han inte själv
haven't figured out the drinking part on his own though

torr, ren och glad... och suddig
dry, clean and happy... and blurry

mer fokuserad grabb
a more focused dude

French accent "hello... My name is Pierre, I have come to have sex with your family..."
If you've never watched Eddie Izzard, this comment is very inappropriate LOL!
Hahahaha, klockrent..! Minen passade obehagligt bra..! Det är nog bra att han får kladda lite så slipper vi en till P.E. i våra liv... ;)
SvaraRaderaHAHAHAHA!!! P.E! DET var klockrent ;)