Igår var det också speciellt eftersom vi hade familjemiddag för Timorthy. Han fick fina Helly Hansen-utekläder av Johan och Carlos som kom och besökte från Stockholm. En styck väldigt bortskämd ett-åring.
Yesterday I sat in the sun on my balcony for 1.5 hours while Timothy had his nap. It was heaven! I got some well needed roses on my cheeks and even got a little red on my chest. The sun is strong now. The sun and warmth paid a visit today as well and I cross my finger that it'll be long lasted. Thank you wonderful Spring, that you finally decided to show your face.
Yesterday was special for another reason as well; we had a family dinner for Timothy. He got some Helly Hansen out door clothes from Johan and Carlos who visited from Stockholm. One spoiled one year old!

Dad, Anders with baby-Erik and Carlos

Anthon and mommy Malin

Me with Goddaughter Lilly

The whole crew

Min älskade familj
My beloved family
:) Carlos