Gjorde snabbt i ordning mig för att skåla i champagne hos bror med familj och sedan ta oss till Albert's för att fira pappas 60 års-dag (som egentligen var den 26:e men då var päronen i Paris).
Väldigt bra och lång dag.
Idag kör vi samma stuk på det hela. Fika och studsmattehopp hos bror och nu ska jag+son snart bära av till Vänersborg för att fira Lisas 27 årsdag.
Yesterday I had company from morning till night! Kattis arrived here in the early morning, ate breakfast, chatting while I scrap booked a card and then took a walk to and from town. The sun was bright and we took the opportunity to see the sights a bit. Looked at Strömkarlen and some kind of foot I had never seen before.
Made myself ready to go to my brother's for a toast in champagne and then continue to Albert's to celebrate Dad's 60th birthday (which was actually the 26th but that day my parents where in Paris).
A very good and long day.
Today we do it all over again almost; coffee and trampoline jumping at brother's and family with second brother, and now I+son will soon be off to Vänersborg to celebrate Lisa's 27 birthday.

Sexrätters på Albert's
A six course dinner at Albert's

Jag och skrutt var rätt trötta när vi kom hem. Nu iväg till ännu ett kalas :)
Me and Snuffkin were pretty tired when we came home. Now, off to another party :)
Vackra vårbilder..!
SvaraRaderaEller hur! Väldigt vackert :)