Vi fick grillad flankstek som var otroligt god och en Libanesisk buffé med massa gott; bl.a. minipiroger, couscous med massa gott i, såser, ostfyllda rullar, en boll som jag glömde vad det var i, god persiljesallad... Man blev mätt kan jag lova! Jag skulle kunna ha ätit hur mycket som helst om inte Timothy trasslade som mest när middagen började.
Så tyvärr spenderade jag den största delen av middagen inne i sovrummet.
Givetvis blev det ingen alkohol eftersom min skrutt var med och andra besvärligheter tillkommer ju också, men det var värt det.
Åkte hem klockan 22 och det räckte alldeles utmärkt. Orkar inte längre än så även om Timothy somnat då. Har sovit riktigt gott inatt!
and thank you for the amazing food and good company yesterday!
We had some grilled flank steak which was unbelievably good and a Lebanese buffet with lots of tasty stuff, including mini pastries, couscous, sauces, cheese filled rolls, a ball that I forgot what it was in, nice parsley salad ... We were full, I can promise! I could have eaten for forever but Timothy started to get tired when it was time to eat, so unfortunately I spent most part of dinner in the bedroom.
Of course, there was no alcohol because my snufkin was there and there are other inconvenient things that a child brings to a dinner, but it was worth it.
Went home at ten pm and it suited me just fine. Although Timothy had fallen asleep by then, I was exhausted.
I slept really good last night!

Grattis Bedros!!!

Jag och Tim uppiffade
Me and Tim all dressed up for the occasion
Snygging, jag gillar jeansen!