Jo, eller hur!
I den riktiga världen väckte han mig halv fem genom att dra mig rätt brutalt i håret. Efter frukosten rev han sen halva lägenheten och vägrade sova middag längre än 40 min, vilket i sin tur gjorde honom grinig.
Men min vackra Mors dag present var, för att låta sjukt klyschig, hans underbara skratt och hans busiga leende! Det är en obeskrivlig känsla att få vara i hans närhet och jag är en mycket lycklig kvinna som har turen att få vara hans mamma!
Vill också säga att jag och Annika Ville har haft en sjukt trevlig kväll! Det är en av dom grejjerna jag älskar med Annika; att analysera och utveckla oss själva på olika känsloområden. Mycket intressant :)
Sist innan jag ska sova brevid en liten varm skrutthög, vill jag säga
Grattis till min mamma som är världens bästa!
Timothy came and woke me up this morning with a breakfast tray to the bed with coffee, sandwiches and a small piece of princess cake. After breakfast, he did the dishes and cleaned the entire apartment while I was at a well needed hour at the spa ....
Yeah, as if!
In the real world, he woke me up half past four by pulling my hair, quite brutally. After breakfast, he tore up the apartment and refused to nap longer than 40 min, which in turn made him grumpy.
But my beautiful Mother's Day gift was, to be really cliche, his wonderful laughs and his mischievous smiles! It is an indescribable feeling to be in his presence and I am a very lucky woman who is fortunate enough to be his mother!
I also have to say that I and Annika Ville have had a wonderful evening! It is one of the stuff I love with her; to analyze and develop ourselves in different emotional areas. Very interesting :)
Now I'm gonna fall asleep next to a warm bundle of Timothy and also wish my mom happy Mother's Day, the best mom in the world!

Happy Mother's Day! You are the best mother in the world Lou lou... I wish I could be there to celebrate it with you & Timothy. I miss you both and hope that you have a great night. I love you both more than you know. Sleep well and sweet dreams to both of you. Give Timothy hugs and kisses from me. I will see you both soon ;) Love always -Derrik